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Category: Nieuws

  • Nieuws ·

Terugblik ISACA Risk Event 2022

Nieuwe en bestaande risico’s in vogelvlucht Door: Fook Hwa Tan Op 16 November 2022 vond het Risk Event van ISACA NL Chapter plaats. Meer dan 450 risk, security, privacy, audit…
  • Artikel ·

Automating the going concern assessment

Automating the going concern assessment By Lotte Verhoeven, Eric Mantelaers and Martijn Zoet NOTE: This article is based on the bachelor thesis of Lotte Verhoeven and the paper ‘Towards a…
  • Blog ·

Coaching skills to elevate IT Auditors impact

Author: Ralu Elena Nistor-Lustermans MSc, CISA, CIA I am an IT internal auditor and a coach, for many years I performed both activities (auditing and coaching) in parallel. While I…
  • Nieuws ·

New local phone number for the Netherlands

In an effort to better serve our constituents in the Netherlands, ISACA Global now has a local number available for members and certification holders in the Netherlands, to reach the…

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