ISACA Risk Event 2024: A resounding success emphasizing resilience in IT Risk and Cybersecurity

    Watch the aftermovie and pictures!
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    Receive a discount on Security Academy’s course portfolio

    Did you know that ISACA members receive a 10% discount on the entire Security Academy course portfolio? Check how to redeem this discount.
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    Join us in our Square Tables

    ISACA Netherlands Chapter organizes webinars (Square Tables) in collaboration with NOREA on diverse subjects within IT audit, data analysis, IT Risk, IT Governance and (cyber)security.
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Upcoming Events

Go to the full agenda
Speakers: Anko Tijman, Bas van Liere, and Jan de Vries.
Online Webinar
Square Table
Join the Volunteer Appreciation Day, a special event to celebrate and honor the invaluable contributions of our volunteers. A day packed with opportunities to connect, network, and gain fresh insights from industry leaders
Van der Valk Utrecht
Members Meeting
Speakers: Barry Derksen en Mirjam Bognar
Online Webinar
Square Table
This unique event offers an opportunity to become familiar with Cyber security books, learn from the authors and meet & greet with these authors who have been known to contribute to the security industry for decades.  
Van der Valk Utrecht

ISACA Netherlands Chapter: networking, information and training for IT professionals

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