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  • English Info

English Info

ISACA NL Chapter is the Dutch non profit corporation that serves the interests of information governance, control, security and audit professionals. The organization is part of ISACA Global. ISACA Global’s constituency -more than 140,000 strong worldwide- is characterized by its diversity. Constituents live and work in more than 180 countries and cover a variety of professional IT-related positions – to name just a few, IS auditor, consultant, educator, IS security professional, regulator, chief information officer and internal auditor.


Since its inception, ISACA Global has become a pace-setting global organization for information governance, control, security and audit professionals. It’s IS auditing and IS control standards are followed by practitioners worldwide. Its research pinpoints professional issues challenging its constituents. Its certifications are recognized globally and has been earned by more than 118,000 professionals since inception.

ISACA NL Chapter

Amongst others ISACA NL Chapter organizes events, conducts chapter meetings and and offers local educational seminars (amongst others to prepare for ISACA certification exams). The ISACA NL Chapter helps to further promote and elevate the visibility of the IS audit, control and security professional.

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