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  • Nieuws
  • ISACA Netherlands en ISACA Belgium starten Werkgroep IT Governance voor overheid

ISACA Netherlands en ISACA Belgium starten Werkgroep IT Governance voor overheid

ISACA Netherlands Chapter en ISACA Belgium Chapter slaan de handen ineen: in september zijn de Europese chapters een Werkgroep IT Governance voor de overheid gestart.

De werkgroep zal zich richten op de huidige uitdagingen voor overheidsorganisaties op het gebied van IT Governance en het delen van kennis met de leden op dit vlak.

Wil jij deelnemen aan deze werkgroep? Meld je dan nu aan bij ISACA NL Voorzitter Dwayne Valkenburg (voorzitter ISACA NL) en Egide Nzabonimana (voorzitter ISACA Belgium).

De contouren voor de werkgroep moeten nog gevormd worden. Dit betekent dat je mee kunt denken vanaf de start.

ISACA Netherlands and ISACA Belgium start knowledge group IT Governance in governament organizations

ISACA Netherlands Chapter and ISACA Belgium Chapter are joining forces: in September the European chapters have started an IT Governance Knowledge Group for government organizations.

The working group will focus on the current challenges for government organizations in the field of IT Governance and sharing knowledge with the members in this area.

Do you want to participate in this knowledge group? Register now with ISACA NL President Dwayne Valkenburg (chairman ISACA NL) en Egide Nzabonimana (chairman ISACA Belgium).

The contours for the group have yet to be formed. This means that you can join from the start.

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The AI <> Frikandel Conundrum

By Daniela de Almeida Lourenço, MSc, CISM, CISSP, C|CISO - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of work that has seen immense breakthroughs in the last few years, given its application in the tangible world. AI Technology already indicates a dramatic shift in human resource management and technology dependency. Notwithstanding the advantages, the implementation of this technology without a mature and informed strategy may not be as beneficial as imagined and, in some cases, counterproductive. What does this have to do with the Netherlands' favourite deep-fried snack? This article will share insights on the risks of rushed AI adoption and provide recommendations to assist in the governance of this emerging technology.

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