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  • Zien we je op de ISACA Europe Conference 2023?

Zien we je op de ISACA Europe Conference 2023?

Schrijf je nu in voor de ISACA Europe Conference op 17-19 oktober 2023 in Dublin met als thema ‘Digital Trust World’.

Sluit je aan bij ‘s werelds thought leaders op het gebied van digital trust, audit, bestuur, privacy, cyberbeveiliging en opkomende technologieën. Vergroot het digitaal vertrouwen en help je carrière vooruit.

Op ISACA Europe Conference 2023: Digital Trust World word je op de hoogte gebracht van de populairste IS/IT-onderwerpen. Er is ruime gelegenheid om te netwerken en je kunt tot 26,25 CPE verdienen.

Omdat ISACA NL altijd goed vertegenwoordigd is tijdens de Europese ISACA events, krijgen ISACA NL leden een extra korting van 40% (gebruik de promocode die je als lid in de mail hebt ontvangen). Dus aarzel niet en schrijf je nu in.

See you at the ISACA Europe Conference 2023?

Join us in Dublin, Ireland on 17–19 October for the ISACA Europe Conference 2023: Digital Trust World.

Come together with the world’s leading minds in digital trust, audit, governance, privacy, cybersecurity and emerging technologies and become more empowered to advance digital trust and your career.

At ISACA Europe Conference 2023: Digital Trust World, you will expand your knowledge in the hottest IS/IT topics. You will also have the opportunity to connect and engage in lively discussions with industry leaders and fellow professionals. Plus, you can earn up to 26.25 CPE credits toward maintaining your certifications along with enjoying a variety of other conference benefits.

To keep you up to date and to help you maintain your position as a highly skilled professional ISACA NL Chapter was awarded an extra discount (40%, use the promocode that was sent to members via e-mail). So do not hesitate and register now!

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The AI <> Frikandel Conundrum

By Daniela de Almeida Lourenço, MSc, CISM, CISSP, C|CISO - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of work that has seen immense breakthroughs in the last few years, given its application in the tangible world. AI Technology already indicates a dramatic shift in human resource management and technology dependency. Notwithstanding the advantages, the implementation of this technology without a mature and informed strategy may not be as beneficial as imagined and, in some cases, counterproductive. What does this have to do with the Netherlands' favourite deep-fried snack? This article will share insights on the risks of rushed AI adoption and provide recommendations to assist in the governance of this emerging technology.

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