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  • Author: Webteam - Susan Schaeffer

Author: Webteam - Susan Schaeffer

  • ISACA NL Journal ·

How Dark patterns are taking the ‘informed’ out of informed cookie consent.

Author: Jelle Slotman - When browsing on the internet you have inevitably encountered a cookie consent notice. While the processing relies upon informing the user before consent, websites use multiple textual and visual implementations that hamper informed consent in cookie consent notices. This article focuses on examples of Dark Patterns found during research providing the user with the knowledge necessary to recognize and prevent Dark Patterns for future cookie implementations.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

Five questions for Risk Event speaker Mona de Boer on Trustworthy AI and accountability

Author: Fook Hwa Tan - Mona de Boer, partner Data & Technology at PwC, will be a speaker at our Risk Event on the 16th of November 2023. The event focusses on the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) on our work and the steps we need to take te ensure digital trust. Risk Event Comittee member Fook Hwa Tan decided to ask Mona some questions to get a sneak peak on Mona’s presentation.
  • Nieuws ·

Trainers gezocht!

ISACA NL Chapter is op zoek naar docenten voor onze trainingen ter voorbereiding op de certificeringsexamens. Met name voor onze COBIT- and CDPSE-cursussen zoeken we nog ervaren trainers. Heb je…
  • Interview ·

Meet board member Ramzy El-Masry

ISACA is a global foundation with more than 200 chapters worldwide. Many international Risk and Security professionals quickly feel at home at the ISACA chapter in the country they reside…
  • Interview ·

Maak kennis met bestuurslid Firas Abali

‘Een familie, een team, een club waar je bij hoort.’ Dat is ISACA NL Chapter voor Firas Abali. Sinds vorig jaar is hij bestuurslid van het Nederlandse Chapter. Maar ook…

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