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Categorie: Square Table (Webinar)

Hacking hospitals

During this presentation Willem will guide us along an attacker’s perspective on hacking hospitals and what this actually means in practice. During the presentation anonymized real world cases will be…

Journey towards Schrems II compliance

The presentation will aim at discussing the broad challenges caused by recent Schrems II privacy decision. After an introduction on what Schrems II entails, and parties affected by the new…

Can you handle going down

About all organisations have been very lucky to have pulled off the IT-part of the work-from-home thing. Which is why complacency is creeping in. But times qua continuity of your…

Avant-Garde Infosec

Pentesting should be open, transparent, and noncommercial. In this webinar, I will share my experiences at Radically Open Security (including our “Peek Over Our Shoulder” workflow), critically reflect on the…

The quantum threat to our digital society

As companies and governments are investing billions to build the first large-scale quantum computer, this will soon open the door to exciting new computational opportunities, which are infeasible with the…

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