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Categorie: Square Table (Webinar)

Square Table: Risk management in an agile setting

Risk management tends to be underemphasized in an agile context. This session provides participants with hands-on ideas on how to address risks more explicitly in the agile way of working.…

I know all your weak cryptographic keys, scary isn’t?

RSA is one of the most commonly used algorithm for providing confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of digital information. RSA is used to secure web traffic up to TLS 1.2. Today,…

Hacking hospitals

During this presentation Willem will guide us along an attacker’s perspective on hacking hospitals and what this actually means in practice. During the presentation anonymized real world cases will be…

Journey towards Schrems II compliance

The presentation will aim at discussing the broad challenges caused by recent Schrems II privacy decision. After an introduction on what Schrems II entails, and parties affected by the new…

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