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Categorie: Square Table (Webinar)

Square Table: Risk management in a business language

Manage risks in a way that senior management understands using the Risk Model Canvas Business leaders speak a business language. Senior management doesn’t communicate in cybersecurity models, instead they use…

Square Table: Practical Tips for Cyber Risk in 2024

How will cyber risk change in 2024? Are you struggling to juggle day-to-day duties while planning for the future? You’re not alone. Join this session to learn what security analysts on…

Square Table: Getting buy-in from the Boards of Directors

In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, information security has transcended its traditional role as a departmental concern to an organizational responsibility. With the arrival of NIS2 and other emerging laws…

Square Table: Cyber Security First Strategy

We will discuss the Cyber Security First Strategy at VodafoneZiggo, in combination with the cyber threat landscape we face as one of the vital organisations/networks in the Netherlands. Speakers: Jurre…

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