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Square Table: CMMI Ecosystem Overview – Building Capability and Continuously Improving Organizational Performance

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  • Square Table: CMMI Ecosystem Overview – Building Capability and Continuously Improving Organizational Performance

Square Table: CMMI Ecosystem Overview – Building Capability and Continuously Improving Organizational Performance


04 oktober 2023 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:04 oktober 2023 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00
  • Understand how the CMMI ecosystem and model help organizations build capability and improve their performance
  • Discuss how CMMI can help projects and organizations scale their capabilities and consistently improve quality and performance for product development, service delivery, security/cybersecurity, safety, data, people, virtual, and supply chain management while reducing risk
  • Having a look at the most recent release of CMMI 3.0’
  • Understand the CMMI performance improvement promise through data

Speaker: Ron Lear

As ISACA’s Vice President of Frameworks and Models, Ron brings over 35 years of experience with building capability and continually improving performance in product development, engineering, service operations, cybersecurity, supply chain, data, and quality management.  As former Chief Architect, Ron led the development and launch of the CMMI V2.0 Product Suite, including the ISACA MDDAP FDA program. He and his team currently manage all ISACA’s frameworks, including CMMI, COBIT, CCP, and DTEF.  Ron is a proven executive leader and Certified CMMI High Maturity Lead Appraiser (CHMLA), and Instructor with over 300 appraisals (with ~100 of those as High Maturity) completed to date, including aerospace, automotive, defense, finance, healthcare, biomedical, insurance, IT, telecommunications, and systems and software integrators.  Ron is a primary author of the CMMI V2.0 and V3.0, including the recent updates on High Maturity in CMMI V3.0.


04 oktober 2023 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:04 oktober 2023 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00


  • Ron Lear
    Ron Lear

    As ISACA’s Vice President of Frameworks and Models, Ron brings over 35 years of experience with building capability and continually improving performance in product development, engineering, service operations, cybersecurity, supply chain, data, and quality management. As former Chief Architect, Ron led the development and launch of the CMMI V2.0 Product Suite, including the ISACA MDDAP FDA program. He and his team currently manage all ISACA’s frameworks, including CMMI, COBIT, CCP, and DTEF. Ron is a proven executive leader and Certified CMMI High Maturity Lead Appraiser (CHMLA), and Instructor with over 300 appraisals (with ~100 of those as High Maturity) completed to date, including aerospace, automotive, defense, finance, healthcare, biomedical, insurance, IT, telecommunications, and systems and software integrators. Ron is a primary author of the CMMI V2.0 and V3.0, including the recent updates on High Maturity in CMMI V3.0.


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