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Categorie: Round Table

Round Table: Canvas methods for Information security

Management involvement in Information security is not only a major requirement for ISO27001 and other standards but key to a successful implementation. Therefore, finding common ground between management and information security…


DEZE BIJEENKOMST IS IN HET NEDERLANDS In nieuwe wet- en regelgeving (NIS2) en standaarden (ISO27001) wordt meer nadruk gelegd op het belang van het verzamelen en beoordelen van dreigingsinformatie én…

Round Table: Stakeholder engagement: tools & methods

In order to achieve a properly fitting information security policy one should approach information security from a company context, according to the ISO27001 standard. A stakeholder approach is important, although…

Autonomous Pen-testing; strength and weaknesses

Autonomous pen-testing is certainly an innovation that brings new possibilities. The thoroughness and completeness that it is able to provide, is possibly better than conventional human pen-testing. Is it thinkable…

Round Table

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Round Table

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