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A selection of webinars in 2021

In the past year, the Square Table Committee organized almost 30 webinars in collaboration with the knowledge groups. Most of these webinars have been recorded and can be viewed via our YouTube channel. Below you will find a selection of our webinars of 2021.

Join us in 2022!

In 2022, the Square Table Committee will again organize a weekly webinar (Wednesday 19:00). Register now for the next webinar on Wednesday 19 January 2022 ‘How to build an efficient security strategy‘.

Zero Trust by the founder John Kindervag, Zero Trust How it is meant to be

As soon as organizations start with a Zero Trust approach several questions will arise, such as:

  • What are the prerequisites before we can even define a Zero Trust strategy? Where to start?
  • What are the pitfalls that we must avoid? Can we account for everything?
  • What skills (technical and other) do security leaders, architects, engineers and administrators need in order to implement and maintain a Zero Trust model?
  • How to adhere to the Zero Trust principles and what governance do we need? How can we align our cloud strategy with our Zero Trust strategy?

In this webinar, John Kindervag, the creator of Zero Trust, will help you in answering these questions and clarify how you can benefit from a Zero Trust approach to security.

Cyber Security starts with Risk Awareness!

One of the problems with risk management can be how to get your employees on board.

In this webinar Jan-Joost Bouwman will show you how to ensure risk management and cybersecurity will live in the hearts of your employees.

To educate, to motivate or to facilitate? Psychology addressing the human factor in cybersecurity

In this Square Table Social Psychologist Cybersecurity & Compliance Inge Wetzer explains how insights from psychology can be used to make people more resilient against cyber threats. 

Inge will show that this goes beyond educating people. She will explain how psychology teaches other interventions, such as motivating and facilitating people and how this can sometimes be more effective towards behavioral change.

Gerelateerde berichten

  • ISACA NL Journal ·

The AI <> Frikandel Conundrum

By Daniela de Almeida Lourenço, MSc, CISM, CISSP, C|CISO - Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of work that has seen immense breakthroughs in the last few years, given its application in the tangible world. AI Technology already indicates a dramatic shift in human resource management and technology dependency. Notwithstanding the advantages, the implementation of this technology without a mature and informed strategy may not be as beneficial as imagined and, in some cases, counterproductive. What does this have to do with the Netherlands' favourite deep-fried snack? This article will share insights on the risks of rushed AI adoption and provide recommendations to assist in the governance of this emerging technology.

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