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  • Nieuws
  • ISACA Square Table: Beyond Russian hackers

ISACA Square Table: Beyond Russian hackers

Ever wanted to investigate Moscow’s cyber landscape? Now you can. Join us at our first English Square Table, June 3rd at 19:00, hosted by Alex Bodryk.

Topics during the Square Table

  • Russia in Digital – brief overview or Russian digital economy and its key players (unicorns, digital government and so).
  • Regulation – expanding to Russia, what to expect from security regulation point of view when you are working for a bank, FMCG manufacturer or have to process a lot of personal data.
  • People – where ‘hackers’ live, how they are paid and whom they protect in Russia and beyond.
  • Technology – Russian cybersecurity tools and vendors landscape, excluding local compliance-focused ones, from globally recognized (Kaspersky-like) to new faces in trending product categories.

Speaker: Alex Bodryk, ISACA Moscow

Alex Bodryk, CISA, ITIL Expert is a cybersecurity specialist with 10 years experience serving major corporations in cybersecurity sphere (up to 180 000 seats). During his career he took part in projects within SOC, threat intelligence, DevSecOps, identity management and security awareness domains as a client, vendor, VAR, TI and MSS provider.

CPE (PE-Punten)


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