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Square Table: Cybersecurity As a Strategic Opportunity

Square Table: Cybersecurity As a Strategic Opportunity


24 april 2024 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:24 april 2024 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00

There is a myth out there that you can either have convenience or you can have security. You can’t have both. Well, maybe at some point that was true, but today, if you have to be competitive, you have to provide both. You want to provide customers with a very intuitive, easy-to-use kind of experience, but they also want to be assured that their privacy is not being compromised and their data is being protected. So that’s the way organizations and the leadership need to think about security — security as a strategic opportunity.

I wish more senior leaders would consider cyber threats as a strategic opportunity. They should take it as a challenge to create capabilities and competencies that would allow them to reach out to potential customers and say, “Hey, if you keep your data with us, your data will be more secure because we care about security. Cybersecurity is one of our core competencies. It is integral to the mission of our company. Being very secure allows a company to promote its brand and increase its customer base. So, it’s a win-win.”

During this seminar, I will shed light on what it takes to develop, leverage, and sustain cybersecurity as a strategic capability. More specifically, I will draw upon the empirically derived Commitment-Preparedness-Discipline (CPD) framework and insights gained from podcast interviews and consulting experiences to review several success factors and best practices.

Speaker: Dave Chatterjee

Dave Chatterjee, Ph.D., is a tenured (Associate) Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at the Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia. As a Duke University Visiting Scholar, Dr Chatterjee has taught in the Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity Program at the Pratt School of Engineering.

Dr. Chatterjee has been engaged in cybersecurity thought leadership for over a decade. He has authored a book, written and edited scholarly papers, consulted with companies, served on a cybersecurity SWOT team with chief information security officers (CISOs), conducted workshops and webinars, given expert radio and television interviews, and delivered numerous talks at academic and practitioner forums around the world.

His highly endorsed book titled Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach was published by SAGE Publishing in March 2021. His work has been published in prestigious outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, MIT Sloan Management ReviewCalifornia Management Review, Business HorizonsI By IMD, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of Management Information Systems.
Dr. Chatterjee is also the host of the Cybersecurity Readiness Podcast Series which has published over 60 episodes and has listeners in 90 countries.

CPE: 1 point


24 april 2024 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:24 april 2024 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00


  • Dave Chatterjee
    Dave Chatterjee

    Dave Chatterjee, Ph.D., is a tenured (Associate) Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems at the Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia. As a Duke University Visiting Scholar, Dr Chatterjee has taught in the Master of Engineering in Cybersecurity Program at the Pratt School of Engineering.

    Dr. Chatterjee has been engaged in cybersecurity thought leadership for over a decade. He has authored a book, written and edited scholarly papers, consulted with companies, served on a cybersecurity SWOT team with chief information security officers (CISOs), conducted workshops and webinars, given expert radio and television interviews, and delivered numerous talks at academic and practitioner forums around the world.

    His highly endorsed book titled Cybersecurity Readiness: A Holistic and High-Performance Approach was published by SAGE Publishing in March 2021. His work has been published in prestigious outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, MIT Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Business Horizons, I By IMD, MIS Quarterly, and the Journal of Management Information Systems.

    Dr. Chatterjee is also the host of the Cybersecurity Readiness Podcast Series which has published over 60 episodes and has listeners in 90 countries.





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