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  • Evenementen

Archives: Evenementen

Round Table: Canvas methods for Information security

Management involvement in Information security is not only a major requirement for ISO27001 and other standards but key to a successful implementation. Therefore, finding common ground between management and information security…

ISACA, OWASP and ISC2: Web Application Firewalls webinar

Want to learn more about Web Application Firewalls? Join the Dutch Chapters of ISACA, OWASP, and ISC2 for their first-ever combined online webinar on Wednesday, June 7th, from 19:00 to…


DEZE BIJEENKOMST IS IN HET NEDERLANDS In nieuwe wet- en regelgeving (NIS2) en standaarden (ISO27001) wordt meer nadruk gelegd op het belang van het verzamelen en beoordelen van dreigingsinformatie én…

Risk Event 2023 – Hey, Chat GPT, can I trust you?

Risk Event 2023 English Op 16 november 2023 organiseert ISACA NL Chapter het Risk Event 2023 in Spant! te Bussum. Dit jaar staat de vraag centraal hoe ChatGPT en Artificial…

Square Table: Resurrecting After A Ransomware Attack

With cybercrime on the rise, (ransomware) attacks that target Active Directory (AD), the primary identity store for most businesses worldwide, are as common as having a cup of coffee. According…

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