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Cyber Booked 2024

Cyber Booked 2024


23 mei 2024 (donderdag)


17:00 - 22:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:23 mei 2024 (donderdag)
  • Tijd: 11:00 - 16:00


Book your ticket now as seats are limited!

Cyber Booked is a one of a kind physical CyberSecurity event, featuring both recently published and more well-known CyberSecurity books. The authors will share the latest insights from their books and you will have the opportunity to ask them questions about their books. During the break and drinks you can meet & greet with the authors and maybe even get your book signed!

This event is a joint event organised by the Dutch chapters of ISACA, OWASP, ISC2 and the Secure Software Alliance (SSA).

The event is free of charge and CPE certificates will be issued. The event will be presented in English.


17:00 Walk in and “food & drinks”
18:00: Plenary welcome (Dwayne Valkenburg, president ISACA NL)
18:15 First round of speakers – 40 mins. total, Tiago Teles and Bart de Best
18:55 Coffee break
19:10 Second round of speakers – 40 mins. total, Brenno de Winter and Bram de Bruijn
19:50 Plenary presentation by Chris van ‘t Hof
20:25 Closing presentation (Irfaan Santoe, OWASP NL Chapter Leader)
20:35 Drinks & Networking

CPE: 2 points

The event is almost sold out. If you would like to be put on a waiting list, please send an email to



23 mei 2024 (donderdag)


17:00 - 22:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:23 mei 2024 (donderdag)
  • Tijd: 11:00 - 16:00


  • Bram de Bruijn
    Bram de Bruijn

    Bram de Bruijn, author of the book: Security Innovation Stories, has 15 years of experience in the security industry. Started at the Ministry of the Interior with the protection of vital infrastructure and counter-terrorism, these tasks were later transferred to the NCTV. After a period at Securitas with a strong focus on technology and innovation, he became an independent consultant in 2015, specialized in the development and adoption of technological solutions. He fulfilled interim positions at organizations such as Fox-IT, Imbema and Quinyx AB. Bram was educated at Nyenrode Business University (Business Administration) and JADS University (Data Science). Since 2020, Bram has been the founder and director of Beyond Products B.V., a strategic marketing agency for Security and IT, focused on product management and marketing, driven by the serious challenges in IT security innovation and adoption. Bram is the driving force behind “Security Innovation Stories”, a book and website that captures and shares the inspiring stories of leading security experts, providing a platform for these voices to be heard and promoting a broader understanding of security innovation. The book is more than a collection of expert stories; it is a critical examination of the Dutch and European approach to innovation in the field of cybersecurity, aimed at stimulating progress and progress in the field.

  • Bart de Best
    Bart de Best

    Bart has been working in IT since 1985. He has mainly worked in the top 100 of Dutch business and government. He has held positions in all phases of system development, including operations and management, for 12 years. He then focused on service management. As a consultant, he currently fulfills all aspects of the knowledge life cycle of service management, such as writing and providing training to ICT managers and service managers, advising management organizations in managing the management organization, management design, improving management processes, outsourcing ( parts of) the management organization and the reviewing and auditing of management organizations. He graduated in management at both HTS and university level.

  • Brenno de Winter
    Brenno de Winter

    Brenno de Winter has been involved in information security and privacy protection from an early age. He wrote his first program at the age of six and was already working as a hacker as a teenager. We know him of course from cracking the public transport chip card and his many investigations into thousands of data leaks. He became journalist of the year, the Bigwobber and at the National Police he is a member of the Open Government Act objections committee. He has been giving training and lectures at various universities for years. More recently, he took the lead on the security of corona technology and made no secret of his love for cats. He is the spiritual father of the information security tool OpenKAT and never sits still.

  • Tiago Teles
    Tiago Teles

    Tiago is an author, keynote speaker, lecturer and information security expert with 20 years of experience in InfoSec. He spent several years leading security operations within banks, leading the development of security strategies to protect financial data and resources from malicious actors. He has an MBA and CISSP certification.

  • Chris van 't Hof
    Chris van 't Hof

    Chris is one of the co-founders of DIVD and Managing Director since January 1, 2022. He ended up in cybersecurity through his experience as a researcher and wrote two books about Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure: ‘Helpende Hackers’ (2016) and ‘Cyberellende was nog nooit zo leuk’ (2021). During his time at the Rathenau Institute he wrote ‘RFID and Identity Management in Everyday Life’ (2007) and was co-author of ‘De Digitale Generatie’ (2005), ‘Het Glazen Lichaam. Gegrepen door informatie’ (2008), ‘Check in / Check out, De openbare ruimte als internet der dingen’ (2011), ‘Voorgeprogrammeerd en Hoe internet ons leven leidt’ (2012). In his presentation “How we hack the world and get away with it” Chris will combine these books into one story. With his unusual background in electrical engineering and sociology, Chris analyzes how human and electronic networks interact. As a presenter, he appeared on stage more than 700 times and organized and presented many talk shows, such as Tek Tok late night (2012-2016), Hack Talk (2017-2022) and Port Cyber ​​Café (2017-2024). Combining these experiences and skills, he also provides cyber crisis training to a wide range of organizations. You could say that this is not a typical background for a Managing Director, but it works for DIVD. Chris doesn’t see himself as the boss, but rather as a translator who explains to the outside world how hackers can help and strives to provide a safe space for nerds to do their thing.


Hotel Breukelen
Hotel Breukelen
Stationsweg 91, Breukelen

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