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Category: ISACA NL Journal

  • ISACA NL Journal ·

How to gain more “Bang for the Buck”: Quantifying risk with random simulations

By Vincent van Dijk and Yuri Bobbert - In an era where data breaches are becoming more frequent and expensive, understanding and preparing for the financial implications of such incidents is crucial. This article aims to provide a detailed approach to calculating the costs associated with data breaches, enabling organizations to make informed decisions about their defense strategies and budget allocations.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

Succesfactoren voor DevSecOps in agile software development

Auteurs: Mirna Bognar, Nico Kaag, Susan Schaeffer - Zeggen dat DevSecOps zijn passie is gaat Nico Kaag te ver. Maar hij zou wel graag zien dat security een vast onderdeel wordt bij (agile) softwareontwikkeling. In de praktijk ziet Nico namelijk nog vaak dat softwareontwikkelaars uitstekend software kunnen ontwikkelen, maar onvoldoende aandacht hebben voor security.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

The start of the Digital Security Transformation

Editorial by Barry Derksen - With the recent developments in IT such as generative AI, new risks arrive in our landscape. At the same time IT risk and security often feel themselves as chasing the business owners on the importance to mitigate the risks, protect the organization and sometimes even as a police officer stating an employee went through the red light.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

Where to stash your (Data)loot?

Author: Paul Oor - Dealing with the Challenges of Data Sovereignty involves many decisions on the relevance and importance of available options while accepting uncertainty in a complex, dynamic world. The importance of Data for any organization is increasing and undisputed. The IT-industry has become mature on the classical themes ensuring continuous operations of Data Center facilities like those addressed by the Uptime Institute.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

The Compensation Trap

Authors: Mark Butterhoff & Yuri Bobbert - Security departments are growing out of their seams. While demand for cyber security professionals is growing, finding and retaining good staff takes hard work. This article will endeavor to address several generic pitfalls and industry-specific flaws that require attention.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

Governance in agile teams

Authors: Dave van Stein & Yianna Paris - When you work together, it's essential to establish clear expectations towards each other. This is easy in small groups where there is an innate understanding of each other’s abilities and expectations are clear. However, this mechanism starts to break when you try to scale up to bigger groups.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

An Exploration of AI Risk & Collaborative Assessment Methodology

Yuri Bobbert & Vincent van Dijk - The year 2022 marked a significant milestone in Artificial Intelligence (AI). ChatGPT released an AI hurricane on the world, accelerating the AI arms race between technology giants like Microsoft and Google. Next to the enormous potential AI can bring, people, governments, and companies are increasingly concerned regarding the potential (mis)use of AI which may harm persons' civil liberties, rights, and physical or psychological safety.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

How Dark patterns are taking the ‘informed’ out of informed cookie consent.

Author: Jelle Slotman - When browsing on the internet you have inevitably encountered a cookie consent notice. While the processing relies upon informing the user before consent, websites use multiple textual and visual implementations that hamper informed consent in cookie consent notices. This article focuses on examples of Dark Patterns found during research providing the user with the knowledge necessary to recognize and prevent Dark Patterns for future cookie implementations.
  • ISACA NL Journal ·

Five questions for Risk Event speaker Mona de Boer on Trustworthy AI and accountability

Author: Fook Hwa Tan - Mona de Boer, partner Data & Technology at PwC, will be a speaker at our Risk Event on the 16th of November 2023. The event focusses on the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) on our work and the steps we need to take te ensure digital trust. Risk Event Comittee member Fook Hwa Tan decided to ask Mona some questions to get a sneak peak on Mona’s presentation.

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