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GMM & Round Table: Microsoft CDO Piethein Strengholt ‘Microsoft’s view on Artificial Intelligence and it’s future possibilities’

  • Evenementen
  • GMM & Round Table: Microsoft CDO Piethein Strengholt ‘Microsoft’s view on Artificial Intelligence and it’s future possibilities’

GMM & Round Table: Microsoft CDO Piethein Strengholt ‘Microsoft’s view on Artificial Intelligence and it’s future possibilities’


26 juni 2023 (maandag)


16:30 - 20:30

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Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:26 juni 2023 (maandag)
  • Tijd: 10:30 - 14:30

Round Table: ‘Microsoft’s view on Artificial Intelligence and it’s future possibilities’

AI in the workplace in the years to come: what to expect and what will be the impact for organisations and its IS/IT professionals

AI-driven applications are getting more and more fit for use within organisations. Consequently management teams are increasingly focussed on looking for opportunities to implement and integrate this technology within their organisation. Piethein Strengholt will highlight the current state of affairs, what to expect in the years to come and interact with the participants about the aforementioned and about the implications for organisations and its IS/IT professionals.

Piethein Strengholt, Chief Data Officer Microsoft

Algemene Ledenvergadering 26 juni 2023

Het bestuur van ISACA NL Chapter nodigt haar leden uit voor een algemene ledenvergadering (ALV) op 26 juni 2023.

  • 16:30 – Inloop met koffie, thee en frisdrank.
  • 17:00 – Round Table: ‘‘Microsoft’s view on Artificial Intelligence and it’s future possibilities’ door Piethein Strengholt, CDO Microsoft – -1 CPE punt
  • 18:00 – Korte pauze
  • 18:15 – Start ALV – 1 CPE punt
  • 19:15 – Start diner
  • 20:30 – Borrel

Fysieke vergadering De Round Table en ALV vinden plaats bij Van der Valk Breukelen.
U ontvangt uiterlijk een week voorafgaand aan de ALV de definitieve agenda en bijhorende stukken.

Aanmelden Als lid kunt u uw aanmelding hieronder registreren. Uw aanwezigheid wordt zeer gewaardeerd. Wij hopen u op 26 juni te begroeten.

General Members Meeting, June 26, 2023

The board of ISACA NL Chapter cordially invites you to our General Members Meeting (the GMM) on June 26, 2023.

  • 16:30 – Walk in with coffee and drinks
  • 17:00 – Round Table: ‘Microsoft’s view on Artificial Intelligence and it’s future possibilities’ with Piethein Strengholt, CDO Microsoft – 1 CPE point
  • 18:00 – Short break
  • 18:15 – Start GGM – 1 CPE point
  • 19:15 – Start dinner
  • 20:30 – Drinks

Physical meeting
The Round Table and GGM takes place at Van der Valk Breukelen.
You will receive the final agenda and accompanying documents at least one week before the GGM.

As a member you can register yourself below. Your presence is greatly appreciated. We hope to welcome you on June 26.
The Round Table GGM will be held in Dutch, but questions in English will be answered in English.


26 juni 2023 (maandag)

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16:30 - 20:30

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:26 juni 2023 (maandag)
  • Tijd: 10:30 - 14:30


Hotel Breukelen
Hotel Breukelen
Stationsweg 91, Breukelen

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