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ISACA Square Table: Do we finally experience the breakthrough of Continuous Auditing?

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  • ISACA Square Table: Do we finally experience the breakthrough of Continuous Auditing?

ISACA Square Table: Do we finally experience the breakthrough of Continuous Auditing?


16 december 2020 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00



Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:16 december 2020 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00

Does history repeat itself? Or do we finally see Continuous Auditing (CA) and Continuous Monitoring (CM) flourish in the coming years? CA/CM is trending like it was 10 years go. At that time, this did not result in a paradigm shift in the Internal Control and Audit world as practical implementations lagged. Companies were either not ready to implement CA/CM due to their decentralized IT environment, their often immature internal control processes and/or they could not compile the business case.

Now, the momentum seems to be here. In (IT) Audit we see more and more implementation of CA/CM using “off-the-shelf” platforms or a combination of different tooling (D&A and workflow). 

In this session, we will explore the journey of organizations (amongst Audit firms) to CA/CM, share lessons learned from practical implementations and look into the benefits to control (IT) processes.

Speakers: Elinesofie Dolhain and Koen Klein Tank

Elinesofie Dolhain

Elinesofie obtained her bachelor degree in Sociology and International Business and her master degree in Information Sciences. After her studies, she joined KPMG IT Advisory and Assurance practice, where she obtained her master degree in IT audit. With her preference for efficiency and fact-based insights, she soon focussed on data analytics. Nowadays, she is responsible for large data-driven IT audits and is involved in numerous (advisory) engagements at multinationals related to innovation and data analytics. 

Koen Klein Tank

Koen holds a master degree in Computer Science and IT Audit. He started his career at the IT Advisory and Assurance practice of KPMG the Netherlands, supporting global organizations with complex IT topics. Koen was seconded in Hong Kong for 2.5 years, working in the Data & Analytics team within the KPMG Management Consulting practice. There he was tasked to build D&A capabilities in the Risk Management, Internal Control and Audit practice. He repatriated to the Netherlands in February this year and is now leading the Data & Analytics team in the Assurance practice of KPMG. He furthermore is globally responsible for innovation in the IRM domain at KPMG.

CPE (PE-Punten)



16 december 2020 (woensdag)




19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:16 december 2020 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00


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ISACA NL Chapter
ISACA NL Chapter

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