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Round Table: How does IAM NIS2 compliancy help?

Round Table: How does IAM NIS2 compliancy help?


15 mei 2024 (woensdag)


18:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:15 mei 2024 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 12:00 - 14:00

NIS2 is very hot. Logically, many more organizations will have to deal with it. A while ago I, André Koot, wrote a blog about NIS2 and IAM. The conclusion is that the guideline does not say much about IAM. So that’s what we’re doing: IAM is a prerequisite for the implementation of NIS2. And in this knowledge session, we will tailor that even more to what that means for you.

Speaker: André Koot

André is a security expert specialized in Identity Management and Access Control (over 25 years of experience in IAM). He is a consultant at and co-founder of SonicBee, an independent Dutch IAM consultancy company. André is member of IDPro and member of the Body of Knowledge committee of IDPro, writing and reviewing contributions. André is a former editor-in-chief of the PvIB magazine Informatiebeveiling and trainer at IMF academy.

CPE: 2 CPE points


Round Table: How does IAM NIS2 compliancy help?
Available Tickets: 19
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15 mei 2024 (woensdag)


18:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:15 mei 2024 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 12:00 - 14:00


  • André Koot
    André Koot

    André Koot is a security expert specialized in Identity Management and Access Control (over 25 years of experience in IAM). He is a consultant at and co-founder of SonicBee, an independent Dutch IAM consultancy company. André is member of IDPro and member of the Body of Knowledge committee of IDPro, writing and reviewing contributions. André is a former editor-in-chief of the PvIB magazine Informatiebeveiling and trainer at IMF academy.


Hotel Eindhoven
Hotel Eindhoven
Aalsterweg 322, Eindhoven



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