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ISACA, OWASP and ISC2: Web Application Firewalls webinar

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  • ISACA, OWASP and ISC2: Web Application Firewalls webinar

ISACA, OWASP and ISC2: Web Application Firewalls webinar


07 juni 2023 (woensdag)


19:00 - 21:00

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Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:07 juni 2023 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 15:00

Want to learn more about Web Application Firewalls?

Join the Dutch Chapters of ISACA, OWASP, and ISC2 for their first-ever combined online webinar on Wednesday, June 7th, from 19:00 to 21:00 CET.

19:00 – 19:10 – Welcome
19:10 – 19:30 – Web Application Firewalls by Aatif Khan
19:30 – 20:55 – Panel Discussion on Web Application Firewalls by Aatif Khan, Menno Swam and Nico van Rooyen moderated by Ramzy El-Masry
20:55 – 21:00 – Closing and Next Steps

This is an online webinar, and the streaming link will be added soon.

With an expert presentation and a panel discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn about best practices and get your questions answered by professionals in the field.

By combining the focus areas and driving forces of each Chapter, this event ensures that this topic will be addressed from different perspectives, such as risk, compliance, audit, cybersecurity, and technical.

Aatif Khan, a data-driven AI and cybersecurity expert, will kick off the webinar with a compact presentation on Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). After which, we will open the panel discussion and answer questions from the audience. Our panel members are Aatif Khan, Menno Swam and Nico van Rooyen.

Register today for this unique opportunity!



07 juni 2023 (woensdag)

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19:00 - 21:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:07 juni 2023 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 15:00


  • Nico van Rooyen
    Nico van Rooyen

    Nico is currently the CISO at CPro, a cyber security consulting firm and the one-stop shop for specialized cyber security services. They offer complete solutions that enable organizations of all sizes to protect their systems, networks, and data from digital threats. He is also a proud Executive Board Member of the ISACA NL chapter and has been an active member for many years.

    He started his career as an IT auditor specializing in information security, at KPMG in South Africa and for the past decade, he has deepened his experience in information security while obtaining various certifications such as CISA, CISM, CEH, and COBIT.
    During this time, Nico worked across various countries including Australia, Denmark, Israel, Sweden, Europe, the UK, and the USA.

    In 2017, he moved to the Netherlands with his wife, who is expecting their second baby boy in September of this year.

  • Aatif Khan
    Aatif Khan

    Aatif Khan is a data-driven, seasoned AI & cyber security expert who is passionate about creating Aatif Khan is a data-driven, seasoned AI & cyber security expert who is passionate about creating customer-focused products. His focus centers around developing cyber defense strategies, establishing security operations centers for large enterprises, developing data protection strategies, implementing data privacy in day-to-day operations, and developing AI strategy, governance, and risk management programs for enterprises. He specializes in building and scaling security programmes from startups to Fortune 500 organizations.

    With 15+ years of experience in information security, Aatif has spoken at numerous conferences such as BlackHat, SANS & UK NCSC CyberThreat London, Security BSides London, Cyber Security Asia Malaysia, @Hack, etc., amongst other conferences across the EMEA region. He has been interviewed by the Associated Press, Voice of America, Hakin9, and numerous other media channels for his expertise on emerging cybersecurity threats. Aatif holds a Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence from LJMU, UK, and is currently working on AI-driven advanced threat detection and response with modern security analytics.

  • Menno Swam
    Menno Swam

    Menno is a Senior Specialist at KPMG IT Advisory The Netherlands, and part of the Cyber Assessment (CA) team. The CA team consists of cyber security specialists executing technical IT Advisory engagements, IT Auditing and management of IT infrastructure, IT processes and IT organizations.

    Menno has experience in the field of Information Security and Risk Management for companies in the Financial services sector, due to his experience as an Information Security Officer and Internal Auditor. Moreover, he has specific knowledge of security frameworks (such as PCI-DSS and ISO27001) as well as the technical execution of financial law (such as WWFT and PSD2). While working in complex IT environments, Menno has been able to get accustomed with all facets of information security, both technical and non-technical. As such, he is able to translate technical findings and risks to business impact and opportunities.



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