Stef Schinagl -  at ISACA Netherlands Chapter

Stef Schinagl

As a cybersecurity professional, Stef Schinagl strives to make an impact both in practice and in science. He received his PhD from VU University Amsterdam on the topic of Digital Security Governance. With 12 years of experience in cybersecurity, he currently leads the Security Operations Team of the UWV, a large government agency. In addition, Stef is active as a lecturer and researcher at the School of Business and Economics of the Vrije Universiteit.

Stef Schinagl streeft er als cybersecurity professional naar om impact te maken, zowel in de praktijk als de wetenschap. Hij promoveerde aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam op het onderwerp Digital Security Governance. Met 12 jaar ervaring in cybersecurity leidt hij momenteel het Security Operations Team van UWV. Daarnaast is Stef actief als docent en onderzoeker aan de School of Business and Economics van de Vrije Universiteit.

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