Paul Oor -  at ISACA Netherlands Chapter

Paul Oor

A few decades back computers entered public and private organizations. Paul then decided to change his initial career path as a Financial Controller towards ICT management. Intrigued by the complex puzzle of effective and affordable risk management he subsequently focussed on information security and privacy. With more than 20 years’ experience as CISO and Privacy Officer in a variety of (inter)national organizations Paul nowadays acts as interim security manager, consultant and program manager.
Next to his commitment to ensure security and privacy compliance, Paul always aims at increasing effective digital resilience. First; by increasing awareness and commitment on all levels in the organization and that of senior management in particular. As such he considers his original background as a financial controller still to be extremely valuable while discussing risk profiles and investments. Secondly by improving collaboration and sharing information and experiences amongst security- and privacy professionals. As such Paul was e.g., one of the founders of the ISAC-MSP as well as the ISC2-chapter in The Netherlands. He published articles, blogs and provided presentations on a variety of information and privacy related topics. His long-time affiliation with the world of aviation provides him inspiration and tangible examples of enhancing safety and security by sharing knowledge and experience.

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    The 10 commandments for CISO’s in 2022 and why CISO’s and their organizations have…

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    CEO’s enabling CISO’s  

    10 commandments for CEO´s when positioning a CISO in their organization and the questions…

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