Dwayne Valkenburg - IT Auditor en IT Risk & Compliance Manager at ISACA Netherlands Chapter

Dwayne Valkenburg

IT Auditor en IT Risk & Compliance Manager

My name is Dwayne Valkenburg, I work as an IT Auditor and IT Risk & Compliance Manager. Since 2006, I have been active in the Managed IT Services & IT Outsourcing sector as an IT Engineer, switching to the IT Auditing profession at a BIG4 firm in 2013 and as of 2017, I founded Cyberus, an IT Assurance, Advisory & Consultancy firm.

I am also active on a voluntary basis since November 2014 with the professional associations the NOREA, ISACA and the IIA as, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Young Profs committees. In recent years, I have been responsible within the ISACA Board, with all events, webinars and conferences of ISACA Netherlands, as well as the Privacy and Young Profs working groups.

As of June 2022, I could call myself chairman of ISACA Netherlands and together with an enthusiastic and, above all, fun group of fellow volunteers, we may together offer a platform where we jointly take the profession of IT Auditing, IT Governance, IT Compliance, IT Security & IT Risk Management to a higher level.

If you have any questions, or are interested in working together, please feel free to contact me.

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