Bas van Liere
Bas van Liere is an experienced Agile coach with a strong focus on organizational design and implementing agile structures – from teams up to the board. After two decades of experience in software development and e-commerce since 1998, he has focused in recent years on strengthening agility within organizations outside the IT and software development domain, as well as in teams that work closely with Agile environments. For example, he helps governance teams and financial controllers to operate effectively within Agile organizations and to connect well to incremental, iterative ways of working. Bas is co-owner of Management 3.0, partner at unFIX.com and co-founder of GRCinAgile.”
- Events with Bas van Liere
- Events with Bas van LiereTwo Agile experts will explore the value of Agile in today’s fast-paced world and provide you with insights and knowledge.Training