In 2120 the human brain is integrated with a CPU, let’s start to secure
This editorial by chief editor prof. dr. Barry Derksen will take you into the…
Entrepreneurially, Barry is active as co-entrepreneur at, CISO / manager Risk & Security at a financial institution and professor of IT management and innovation / auditing. He has also helped several entrepreneurs grow successfully.
Investigatively, he is active at Secure Software Alliance and ISACA where he is a board member at both. He contains his research findings in articles and books including: “Agile Secure Lifecycle Management”, “Discover the IT Cherry” and the best-selling IT book in the Netherlands: “Trends in Business, IT & OT”. The book Trends in Business, IT & OT is a real bestseller with more than 350,000 copies sold
Teaching, he fulfils many lectures, day chairs and lectures in the fields of Agile Cyber Security, IT Risk & Control, auditing, Trends in IT, IT governance & management and soft skills in IT. Together with Prof Yuri Bobbert & Prof Hans Mulder, he works on Agile Secure Lifecycle management within the Masterclass Information Security Management of the Antwerp Management School.
Barry is an optimistic future-oriented personality who goes for it. Proud father of three sons, a believer in sustainability and a networker. Regarding Agile, he is positive but uses the slogan:
“The basis of Agile is to get it under control as quickly as possible so you can really add value deftly”.
This editorial by chief editor prof. dr. Barry Derksen will take you into the…
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