Edo Roos Lindgreen
(Dawning of a) New Era Why information security will never be the same again Warnings and calls to invest more in information security are of all times. What makes it different this time? Edo is a professor of Data Science in Auditing at the University of Amsterdam. Before that, he was a partner in KPMG’s IT auditing and consulting practice. He co-founded KPMG’s corporate information security team and co-authored the first editions of the standard work “Information Security under Control”. At the UvA, he is programme director of the Executive MSc of Auditing Studies and involved in the creation of the Cybersecurity Academy
- Events with Edo Roos Lindgreen
- Events with Edo Roos LindgreenWe are delighted to be organising this year's Security Congress for the 20th time and on 9 October 2024 at Gooiland Events in Hilversum.Congres