Round Tables
The Round Tables are organized by ISACA Netherlands Chapter, in collaboration with NOREA on diverse subjects within IT audit, data analysis, IT Risk, IT Governance and (cyber)security. Most Round Tables are in English, due to the international audience.
The Round Tables contribute to acquiring and maintaining relevant professional knowledge in relation to the ISACA International strategy. The Round Tables are accessible free of charge to members of ISACA and NOREA.
Round tables take place physically at various locations (Eindhoven, Zwolle, Breukelen).
Registration and CPE Credits
You can only register for the Round Tables via the isaca.nl website.
Participation entitles you to 2 CPE points. Proof of participation will be sent digitally based on signing the attendance list.
If a participant is unable to attend, he/she is requested to cancel as soon as possible via roundtables@isaca.nl. This makes it possible to give others the opportunity to participate.
No shows
If a participant registers several times, but is not present without canceling, he/she may be denied further participation in future Round Tables.
Each Round Table starts at 18.00 with a bread buffet, after which the presentation starts at 18.30. The Round Table will be formally closed at 20.00 at the latest.
Of course, it is possible for participants to continue the conversation in the foyer or elsewhere at the venue.
Round Table Downloads
The Round Table presentations can be found here.
Upcoming Round Tables
For an overview of all our events, please visit the agenda page.
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