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  • Evenementen

Archives: Evenementen

Security-Congres 2024

Het verheugt ons zeer dat we dit jaar voor de 20e maal het Security-Congres mogen organiseren. Thema: ‘Expect the unexpected’ Alle informatie vind je terug op de website Het congres…

Square Table: The evolution of SIEM versus SOAR

Lieuwe Jan Koning takes the audience along in his view on the evolution of Cybersecurity. In this thought-provoking session, Koning critiques the limitations of current models and technologies, arguing that…

Square Table: Zero Trust as a Service

Everybody talks about Zero Trust. Is it a product, a hype or the best strategy to protect companies against Cyber threats?. In this talk Tim discuss the several movements of…

GMM / Round Table: ‘The usage of Blockchain’

Tijdens dit event blikken we terug op het verleden en kijken we vooruit naar de toekomst van Blockchain en IT Risk Management. Blockchain, ooit geprezen als de oplossing voor talloze…

Cyber Booked 2024

THIS IS A PHYSICAL EVENT Book your ticket now as seats are limited! Cyber Booked is a one of a kind physical CyberSecurity event, featuring both recently published and more…

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