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The rise and fall of The Fraud Family – one of the most prolific cybercrime syndicates in the Netherlands

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  • The rise and fall of The Fraud Family – one of the most prolific cybercrime syndicates in the Netherlands

The rise and fall of The Fraud Family – one of the most prolific cybercrime syndicates in the Netherlands


15 december 2021 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:15 december 2021 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00

This presentation covers the activities of one of the most prolific cybercrime syndicates in the Netherlands. The Fraud Family started gaining popularity early in 2020 and quickly became the main distributors of phishing tools and enablers of cybercrime operations in the Netherlands and Belgium. With hundreds of followers in their Telegram groups and channels, they were able to position their phishing frameworks as one of the main tools threat actors could count on in the region. Group-IB exposed the operations of The Fraud Family and contributed to the arrest of the main developer and one of the sellers while collaborating with the Dutch National Police.

Speaker: Nicholas Palmer,  Vice President of Global Business | Group-IB

Nicholas Palmer is a financial crime fighter experienced in Threat Intelligence, Anti-Fraud, and DFIR. Since joining Group-IB in 2014 he has been helping hundreds of companies worldwide to protect against modern cyberthreats, strengthen their cybersecurity posture, but also investigate threat actors that cause a problem to the world and bring them to justice in close cooperation with international law enforcement. Regular speaker at industry’s major events like RSA, INTERPOL World, FS-ISAC summits, CyberCrimeCon and many others.

CPE Points

1 point


15 december 2021 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:15 december 2021 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00


  • Nicholas Palmer
    Nicholas Palmer
    Vice President of Global Business | Group-IB

    Nicholas Palmer is a financial crime fighter experienced in Threat Intelligence, Anti-Fraud, and DFIR. Since joining Group-IB in 2014 he has been helping hundreds of companies worldwide to protect against modern cyberthreats, strengthen their cybersecurity posture, but also investigate threat actors that cause a problem to the world and bring them to justice in close cooperation with international law enforcement. Regular speaker at industry’s major events like RSA, INTERPOL World, FS-ISAC summits, CyberCrimeCon and many others.


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