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The quantum threat to our digital society

The quantum threat to our digital society


09 maart 2022 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:09 maart 2022 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00

As companies and governments are investing billions to build the first large-scale quantum computer, this will soon open the door to exciting new computational opportunities, which are infeasible with the current generation of “classical” computers. A downside of the advent of the quantum computer is that most of the cryptography that is being used now to keep our digital communication secure will no longer offer sufficient protection. In this seminar we will look at the current situation, the threat that quantum computers pose to our digital communication, how we can defend against this by migrating to quantum-secure alternatives, and how this upcoming migration will affect the industry in the near future.

Speaker: Thijs Laarhoven

Thijs Laarhoven is a research scientist at TNO, with extensive experience in (lattice-based) post-quantum cryptography and cryptanalysis. Before joining TNO he worked in academia to better assess the practical security of quantum-secure cryptography, and within TNO he now works on helping the world prepare for a migration towards post-quantum cryptography.

CPE (PE-Punten)



09 maart 2022 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:09 maart 2022 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00


  • Thijs Laarhoven
    Thijs Laarhoven

    Thijs Laarhoven is a research scientist at TNO, with extensive experience in (lattice-based) post-quantum cryptography and cryptanalysis. Before joining TNO he worked in academia to better assess the practical security of quantum-secure cryptography, and within TNO he now works on helping the world prepare for a migration towards post-quantum cryptography.


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