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Purple Team War Stories

Purple Team War Stories


27 oktober 2021 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:27 oktober 2021 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00

Purple Teaming is a new kid on the block, bridging the gap between offense and defense. I’ll help you understand why Purple Teaming is the natural way to rethink cybersecurity assignments, why mindsets like “assume breach” and “train as they fight” take it to its full potential and how to execute Purple Teaming assignments according to industry standards – all illustrated by war stories.

Speaker: Pepijn Vissers

Pepijn brings 21+ years of experience to the table when it comes to leading Dutch organizations through the fields of digital (in)security. He started as digital forensic investigator, ethical hacker, security consultant and teacher, traded commercial for national government, led investigations into various forms of cybercrime and supervised national public-private partnerships. Before focusing on Chapter8, Pepijn graduated as a criminologist and worked as coordinating advisor defending Dutch national security  crown jewels . Pepijn is a sought-after speaker, who firmly believes in cooperation and feels just as comfortable in a boardroom as behind the console.

CPE Points

1 point


27 oktober 2021 (woensdag)


19:00 - 20:00

Lokale tijd

  • Tijdzone: America/New_York
  • Datum:27 oktober 2021 (woensdag)
  • Tijd: 13:00 - 14:00


  • Pepijn Vissers
    Pepijn Vissers

    2. Pepijn brings 21+ years of experience to the table when it comes to leading Dutch organizations through the fields of digital (in)security. He started as digital forensic investigator, ethical hacker, security consultant and teacher, traded commercial for national government, led investigations into various forms of cybercrime and supervised national public-private partnerships. Before focusing on Chapter8, Pepijn graduated as a criminologist and worked as coordinating advisor defending Dutch national security crown jewels . Pepijn is a sought-after speaker, who firmly believes in cooperation and feels just as comfortable in a boardroom as behind the console.


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